* Here you must reconcile the dates and the results of the eliminatory ones.
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The races for the Final Challenge will be those corresponding to Group 3. Being 10 those that compose it, we will proceed to eliminate one of them to complete the series of 9 races scheduled for this crossing, being the order of procedure established in the table. Download here

***** Old and New School Fight *****
++++ Can only be one ++++

Dramática Final de torneo. Balder (: Loyal (Magnar) y MattiaM93 GW* (Mattia) nos han hecho disfrutar de un duelo apasionante. Las circunstancias han sido determinante en el desarrollo de las regatas. Balder (: Loyal a sufrido dos desconexiones que le han supuesto un handicap definitivo. Los dos skippers han luchado por el torneo hasta el último metro, siendo MattiaM93 GW* quien se impuso en la última popa de la última regata en un final de infarto, después de penalizar (Balder (: Loyal) y perder el control de las velas (MattiaM93 GW*) en la salida en el último de los cruces. Tras 9 regatas, el resultado a sido de 5-4 para el italiano. Si nos hubieran dicho al principio del evento que se iba a desarrollar la Final de esta manera, no hubieramos dado crédito, pero así fué. Enhorabuena a los dos contendientes por el espectáculo que nos han brindado y por supuesto, dar las gracias al resto de participantes, porque también han dado "brillo" al evento y nos dan aliento para seguir promoviendo competiciones de este tipo. Esperamos que todos hayan disfrutado con la competición y os esperamos en próximos eventos.
Buenos Vientos y Suerte a todos.
Dramatic End of tournament. Balder (: Loyal (Magnar) and MattiaM93 GW * (Mattia) have made us enjoy an exciting duel.The circumstances have been decisive in the development of the regatta Balder (: Loyal has suffered two disconnections that have meant a definitive handicap The two skippers have fought for the tournament until the last meter, being MattiaM93 GW * who won the last stern of the last race in a final of infarction, after penalizing (Balder (: Loyal) and losing control of the sails (MattiaM93 GW *) at the start at the last of the crosses After 9 races, the result was 5-4 for the Italian, if we were told at the beginning of the event that the Final was going to be played in this way We would not have given credit, but that was the case.Congratulations to the two contestants for the show they have given us and of course, to thank the rest of the participants, because they have also given the event "brightness" and give us encouragement to continue promoting competitions d e this guy. We hope everyone has enjoyed the competition and we look forward to seeing you in upcoming events.
Good Winds and Good Luck to all.
Can discharge race 1, F4_SW_7L
Hello everyone
I can hosting when you say.
Magnar, you are in charge of discarding the race.
Hi Mattia. Pleased to meet you in the final. I am ready for MR every evening this week. Just let me know when you want to sail. I can not host. Cheers Magnar (Balder)